Advice for Alabama Freshman Public Relations Majors

by Megan Torok. 

Coming into the public relations program at The University of Alabama, you have so many opportunities. You are also surrounded by both professionals and students who want to help you be successful. But you may be asking: How do I start? As a sophomore, here are a few things I wish I had known during my first year at the Capstone. 


Choosing your classes 

I would not recommend taking all of your general education classes in your first year. I took this advice to the extreme and took too many classes for my major right away, but I would try to take one or two classes for your major right off the bat. This way, it keeps your mind on what you are going to college for. 


Taking major classes can also help you develop a skill set for if you plan on joining any major-based groups or applying for summer internships after your first year. One of the classes I took freshman year, Introduction to Design Software, really helped me build my skill set in a way that will help you stand out when applying for jobs or internships. It also got me LinkedIn-certified in multiple Adobe platforms, and the certification appeared on my LinkedIn profile as soon as I finished each course. Classes like this one help you build a strong foundation for entering the workforce. 


Managing your time 

My last tip not only applies to public relations majors, but to all incoming college students. It is so important to find a system for planing out your life events. College can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to forget about assignments or events. I found this out the hard way my first semester, when I realized that Blackboard due dates aren't always accurate, and I began missing my assignments. At the time, I believed that a physical planner would work best for me. While it did help, I didn’t check it or update it enough. 


Last semester, I learned how to make a color-coded, chronologically ordered checklist on Google Sheets with all of my important dates and assignments. This has worked well for me, as I have access to it at all times and can keep track of what I have finished. Whether it be a calendar, planner, spreadsheet or another planning method, you should find out what works best for you. That way you can be prepared and organized for all that college life can throw at you. 


Finding your place 

I believe it is never too early to start getting involved in opportunities for your major. I joined Capstone Agency my second semester freshman year. My first semester, I was too afraid to apply because I didn't have experience, but looking back now, I say don’t be afraid to try! Everything in college is a learning experience, and you aren't expected to know everything right away. You will have mentors, peers and experts who are always there for anything you may need. 


Experiences like being involved in Capstone Agency, PRCA or PRSSA are all great opportunities that help you learn, make connections and build your résumé. Even more importantly, getting hands-on experience can help you learn if you major is right for you. If you realize that maybe PR is not for you, you can try out advertising and our Minerva program. The College of Communication & Information Sciences is very flexible, and the sooner you find your perfect match, the sooner you can begin to grow skills in your field. 


Hopefully these tips can help you to thrive as an Alabama public relations student. Roll Tide! 


To learn more about PR in practice, check out the rest of our blogs here. For more information on Capstone Agency, click here. 


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